We Advocate For Equal Rights Online And Offline

Usernames are people too

Do human rights apply on the Internet? We believe so!

People behind a screen also have inherent rights, we aim to spread awareness and speak up against human rights abuses in the digital age, an injustice is an injustice, no mater the medium.


Today’s society has made gigantic leaps thanks to technology, but without realizing we also created a monster: We divide our social world thanks to social media bubbles, created monopolies that shape a lifestyle that will further pollute and contaminate our planet, made a generation of screen addicts, ended personal privacy and we even toy with democracy and truth itself.

The technology that we created is changing the world, and we must ask if this new world is a desirable one, we mustn’t give up tech or start a witch hunt, but rather we need to develop a scene of ethics for the digital.

The issues previously mentioned stem from a place of ignorance regarding our basic human rights, respecting these rights will help us create a better world, but ignoring them because it happen through a screen is the problem, this is our main mission: to spread awareness that human rights apply on the digital world too.

Speak up

Spread our message with friends, family, colleges & educators. Read and share our book or it’s ideas. In the future we will make videos, pamphlets and podcasts explaining our issues in more detail.

Use #equalrightsonline on social media to spread awareness to our cause

Under construction

On November 7th 2018 we started our fist steps towards creating our non for profit organization, the creation of the online book titled: Ethics & Human Rights Applied On The Web marked the creation of the organization. This book is at a work in prosess state, but the rough draft is available online.

Know your rights

Our book is freely available to read at no cost, remember that we are still actively working on it and you can expect new content in the near future.

Read our book for free

Transparent, open and free

We work with honesty and transparency, all of our projects are licensed under free culture licenses and because we want to win your respect we work with 100% transparency by releasing all of our work (incremental and complete) for free, meaning you can read every rough draft and examine any line of code we make.

Our work is hosted on our GitHub Organization page, and you can also monitor the progress of our book here.

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